“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.

– “Alice in Wonderland”, Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)

We, independent artists, always have many creative career aspirations – getting hired by that dream client, charging more for our work, growing our freelance business, adding a new skill to our creative and business skillsets, and so on…

If you are anything like me, your inner world easily gets chaotic with so many targets and desires that just don’t seem to be realizing as quickly as you’d like 😰

Ah, those shimmering visions that ignite our souls, the reason we hustle through late nights, weekends, and endless cups of coffee!

Here’s the brutal truth we all already know: dreams and creative desires without concrete plans of “attack” are like fireworks without a fuse – life and work always get in the way and they fizzle out, leaving nothing but a lingering disappointment inside.

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